definitelysomethingriley: he's hot, but i never understood why...

he's hot, but i never understood why he was naked with a fedora
kangarooboner: (x)


monsteroll: (via Portable Tesla Coil Dildo Forge | SoFurry)

artful-pornography: Done! I liek warforged and tieflings :U

I liek warforged and tieflings :U
p sure it is not standard shibari to wrap the dick in rope but w.ever
p sure it is not standard shibari to wrap the dick in rope but w.ever
gayfurs: (via Shibari Shiba by Aixarata — Fur Affinity [dot]...

I don't want you to be sad. I don't understand why you like your body on others but not yourself. Do you wish you had a different kind of body? Can you get more into why?
I mostly wish I had kind of a curvier body that was less like, "solidly fat". Like I wanna be chubby still but I like the kinda chubbiness I was at where I had more prominent hips and a thinner face and less of a shade of double chin. I felt chubby then, but still flexible and free
im really sad at how that is more or less my body & I love it on other guys or cartoon dogmen...
im really sad at how that is more or less my body & I love it on other guys or cartoon dogmen but when its actually on my irl self im just like sad and wear baggy plaid
parma15: お題002「デニム」

tell tumblr's video player to stop messing up and crashing I'm trying to watch cute fat guys jerk off and it keeps dying on me
a good workaround i use is right-click, View page source, then ctrl+f "video_file" and copy the url link into a new window (e.g., in this post, it'd be You get direct access to the video and can either save it or watch it in your browser without tumblrs fucking abysmal player
how do you tell someone you want to cuddle them for hours and hours and maybe touch their weiner
Basically like that!! Honestly holding onto a secret crush (or craving for intimacy or infatuation) without saying anything for a long time is usually bad for ya because there could be chemistry going on and you're letting it slip by because you're nervous and so they think you're uninterested or you end up just being so hung on it that it just builds and builds and makes any eventual letdown even HARDER to get over or get past because you let it grow.
I'm not saying you should outright go "let's rub genitals" of course, but take bolder steps!! Flirt with them, ask them out on dates, tell them you find them attractive or that you'd cuddle them!! If you get pushback or obvious discomfort you can scale it back and know they're disinterested but if they seem receptive then you know you should ask!! "Hey!! I think you're really cute would you ever wanna have a cuddle date" etc etc
Richard Couldn't Take It (The Knot, That Is)

Richard Couldn't Take It (The Knot, That Is)
i think its worth noting that the first time i ever literally was able to say to myself “Huh....
i think its worth noting that the first time i ever literally was able to say to myself “Huh. I’m probably gay.” was when someone posted that Narse drawing of Garrus in a thread and said that the photo had turned him gay and I realized
“Huh, the fact that I want to fuck dude aliens probably means I’m gay.”
im not sure yet if by “personal goals” I mean i want a chubby shy embarrassed chubby...
im not sure yet if by “personal goals” I mean i want a chubby shy embarrassed chubby panda boy with a big ass in an apron or if i want to be one and have a bigger ass + hotter chub bod
personal goals

personal goals

bitchesaloud: kawaii

itsbetterbig: 山田参助

publicrabbit: Early birthday fhhhhhhnnn

Early birthday fhhhhhhnnn
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