centauri4-naturism: heartlandnaturists: The established...

The established resorts and organizations often complain about the "graying of nudism". But we smaller clubs see many younger people asking about nudism and our organization. It seems to me that there are still plenty of young people who are interested in nudism, but they tend to avoid large, established organizations - particularly ones run by "old people" with "old people activities". They often host their own nude parties, visit secluded lakes or beaches for nude sunbathing and skinny dipping, go nude hiking, or many other activities away from nudist organizations.
If you are a club or resort and have a problem getting younger people interested in nudism, or keeping them interested after one or two visits, ask yourself if your activities are what young people want to do. Or better yet, ask the young people what they want to do and see if you can accommodate them.
The Heartland Naturists strive to have a mixture of activities for nudists of all ages and experience - from veteran to first-timer.
If you have shunned nudist organizations, check them out again. And if you decide not to go back, please tell them why. It will help organization leaders know what events and activities to hold to interest you!
If you have any questions, please let us know! We'll be happy to answer!
The Heartland Naturists of Kansas City have been promoting wholesome, family-friendly nude recreation since 1982.
I think this picture is just great!
nude-public: www.nakedbeach.us



ramblingtaz: please submit your articles or photo's on...

please submit your articles or photo's on nudism/naturism.
My blog is about Nudism and Naturism. About how they are not inherently dirty or sexual, about how they are healthy and good for people of all ages.
I encourage you to try non-sexual Nudism and Naturism. The International Naturist Federation defined naturism as "a lifestyle in harmony with nature, expressed through social nudity, and characterized by self-respect of people with different opinions and of the environment

robertlux: jakobina: Be natural. Be nude. Be Free. Like

Be natural. Be nude. Be Free.

whatmakesmerealhard: This Blog is dedicated to the beautiful...

This Blog is dedicated to the beautiful woman who enjoy the Nudist / Naturist lifestyle. http://whatmakesmerealhard.tumblr.com/
girls-naked-outdoors: Fuck the police

Fuck the police


ramblingtaz: please submit your articles or photo's on...

please submit your articles or photo's on nudism/naturism.
My blog is about Nudism and Naturism. About how they are not inherently dirty or sexual, about how they are healthy and good for people of all ages.
I encourage you to try non-sexual Nudism and Naturism. The International Naturist Federation defined naturism as "a lifestyle in harmony with nature, expressed through social nudity, and characterized by self-respect of people with different opinions and of the environment

nakedsports: Rochelle Minami, Melissa Riso, and Nichole...

Rochelle Minami, Melissa Riso, and Nichole Hollister do a zipline in the nude
nakedsports: Rochelle Minami, Melissa Riso, and Nichole...

Rochelle Minami, Melissa Riso, and Nichole Hollister do a zipline in the nude
naturasm: Rope swings into lakes are awesome! I used to do it...

Rope swings into lakes are awesome! I used to do it all the time on vacations. Never nude though…
mrsmallpeepee: nakedgirlsdoingstuff: The girl next door. To...

The girl next door.
To be her bike seat…haha
eroticschoolfree: Naked is comfortable. Naked is natural. Naked...

Naked is comfortable. Naked is natural. Naked is healthy.Naked is relax.Naked is sensual.

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